
Adrián Artacho opening the doors for the premiere of the theater play


For an entertaining and fun approach of science communication we chose to produce a 30 minutes long theater play with the central theme of the discovery of the infrared radiation through William and Caroline Herschel.

The theater play was produced in collaboration with the association  "Neues Atelier" and is written for two actors and one narrator. The script is freely available for download and personal use. The first public performance took place at the Campus Festival of the University of Vienna, on October 11 2018. 


William Herschel­           Franz Kerschbaum

Caroline Herschel          Magdalena Brunner

Narrator                          Matthias Heger

Technics                         Adrián Artacho

Direction & script          Matthias Heger & Adrián Artacho

 Previous and planned performances

10. October 2018  -  Campus Festival "Art & Science", University of  Vienna (Premiere)

11. October 2018  -  Public talk series "Nachts auf der Sternwarte...", Department of Astrophysics, University of Vienna

29. January 2019  -  Katholischer AkademikerInnen Verband (KAV) Wien, Otto-Mauer Zentrum, Vienna

12. September 2019 - Campus, University of Vienna

 Theater script

Here you can download the translated theater script in English language.

If you have any comments or want to share your experience with the play, we are happy to receive your messages to!

Pictures of the theater premiere during Campus Festival 2018

In the gallery below you find some pictures of the premier of the theater play during the Campus Festival of the University of Vienna on October 11 2018.


The media below are only available in German language

The linked interview with the actors and the video of the theater play are exclusively available in German language.

 Aufnahme der Theateraufführung vom 26.1.2019

 Interview with the premiere cast

An interview with the cast of the premiere, including audio parts of the dress rehearsal, published on the radio show Ö1 Leporello. German language.